A tie knot can be a problem because most of the people will have to do very few times. This app is really a lifesaver for you, if you do not know how to tie knots. If you do not have too much practice in making tie knots, start with making the knot more simple as the single knot, or american, or the double knot. After these, you will have an idea of how to make other tie knots more difficult. Knots such as the Simple, Kent, Double, Windsor, Windsor Double bow Tie, Bowtie, Ascot, Scarf Simple, Scarf Tie, Handkerchief Flat Pocket Square, Scarf up a corner up, Handkerchief, two corners up and Handkerchief of three corners up will be easy for you once you download this app.
With a tie elegant, a mirror and some patience you can become an expert by making tie knots
There are different ways to do tie knots, here you will find from the simplest and most widely used, up to the most complex and modern.
From now on to become a tie will never be a problem. You'll be able to amaze your coworkers and friends at the wedding.